hello to myself from the far distant future at the end you die
hello to myself from the far distant future at the end you die
the Highline has changed guarded by awkward buildings replaced the wall arts
trails lined out the park transformed history to life wasteland to heaven
a strange meter some weird shaped architecures marked the new Highline
a walkpath in sky paved by abandoned rail trails decorated by plants in the heart of the city disguised as long missed nature
Orchid, my best friend and only Companion at home lively. Staying with me, rain or sunny, Showing its best beauty for me. I don't know the smell of orchid And think nature must have cheated. It is too challenging to find A smell matches that of the divined. Unlike roses or camellia. Orchid needn't academia. With unique shades like butterflies Born to be recalled by all eyes. They survives with just a little Water, sunshine, space on table. Making no noise in a meeting, Need not care and never boring. Flowers wither, animals die. Orchid stays pretty to goodbye. Leaving me pieces of dry petal, Filling with vigor and mettle.
Another hour shall I sleep. No one would know who is in office. Pretend online screen on I keep, And make a coffee with no fuss. Eleven o'clock I start routine To scan through emails of nonsense. Just mark conversations as seen, Finished, my morning round of pretence. I cook my lunch with Audible. Relax, I shall restore my energy. Delicious meal to make I am capable. Eat while connected VC no one would see. To follow lunch I shall nap, Digesting, I am sleepy. Awaken by a bug to fix asap, Why broken now, why me? With sweat and curse I fix the mess. Now time for afternoon tea. With cookie I pass rest of day with bless. Congratulate myself with whiskey. No one could see how I wasted time in Chrome. A lovely day, working from home.
Flights connected with bus, Niseko I arrived. Legendary mountains, winter wonderland. Bathed off tiredness, in onsen I revived. Old style homestay, with Kaiseki at hand. Fellow travelers filled in two styles buffet. Early birds would get best snows of the day. Like minded crowded in bus that led to dream's bay. Powder snows and famous views on the way. Warm and cozy I sat in gondola. Chilled on lifts before I praised the comfort. Put on gears after a bar of granola. Taking deep breath, arming in the mountains. Skid on ice at peak of double diamond trail. With embrassment and fear I stopped myself. Under eyes of worries I adjusted, went pale. Dying by icy snow is humor itself. Soon, snows were unmasked, and powders danced. Winds celebrated with a jump of the board. Flying in the air, and riding on clouds. Famous shall match its name, legends accord.
An ordinary girl, naive and shy, Reserved and keeps her distance far at length. Just like a rabbit to holes, bird to sky, A little creature will run, facing strength. When I approach, she steps back, acted polite. Yet ice enchanted between us, freezing air. Afraid is she to see me on first sight. A dear does not believe lions showing care. Explaining, I just want to be her friend, Like drums to be with sticks, violin with bow. With others, she insist time I should spend. I know she wants friends just does not know how. A pretty turtle trapped in her own shell. A frog refusing freedom lives in well.
Love is illusion as real as the sun. Warmth it baths you in, with hope lighting your way. Finally sun sets below the horizon, Breaking illusion into pieces of dismay. Love is a song as enchanting as drum. Loudly it echoes its passion forever and more. Melody tired in repeat, same themes numb. Drumsticks are left to tell stories with snore. Food spoil, and steels rust. Bubbles of love may just end with bust.
Through the window I look out quietly. Night dark, lights shine, cars run, people pass by. What another day so boringly normal. Like stars come as long as sky doesn’t cry. I drink icewine with a piece of cookie, While enjoying busy night of city. How late did they work to go home so late, Earning just so little sum of money. I close blinds to shut out window of life. Good night to the city’s empty faded sky.
Just nineteen years ago twin towers crashed, And now new tower stand on top of ash. Buildings are lighted, respects are paid, we swear To not let tragedy happen again. Yet ten times casualties in this city, Turn blind we take it as a victory. Will nineteen years later we remember If we exchange lives for economy?
Divided we are, not by deep ocean, But by mistrust between human nations. In poverty we build isolation, Protecting us from evil influences. At crossroad we depart and leave others, Refusing to hear we are going backward. Stronger as bunch, and weaker as one stick. When sea can form tornado, streams dry up.